
List of objects included in the map

Temir Baba Mausoleum

Location: located in Kuryk district Mangystau region 85-90 km to the south from Zhanaozen city.

Coordinates: N 42°33' 50.74" , E 52°42' 26.21"  

Description of the Monument: Surveyed by specialists of Mangystau National Historical and Cultural Reserve in 2002; it is in the preliminary list of historical and cultural heritage of Mangistau region. In the necropolis 200 objects of different types are marked. The sites are represented by round and sub-rectangular stone fences constructed with horizontal masonry technique, stelae of rough stones installed next to them, koitasses, syndyktasses and kulpytasses. In the western sector of the necropolis Turkmen tombs are concentrated. In the center of the necropolis there is a tomb of Saint Temir Baba frequented by pilgrims. In 2000 a saganatam was built above the burial place.

Historical Data, Legends and Stories:  Temir-Baba was a strong, brave warrior, and holy man. According to legends once upon a time two holy men Shopan Ata and Temir Baba met in order to match their 'karamats' - miraculous powers. The legend mentions that Temir Baba was near the Caspian sea at the Kenderli Gulf . Temir Baba listened to the sound of footsteps of Shopan-Ata returning from Khorezm. Shopan-Ata came to Temir Baba, pronounced his name, willing to know who of them was stronger. Then Temir Baba told him to be the first to show his powers. Shopan Ata called one deer from the herd grazing nearby. Without a knife he cut the deer, dressed it down and divided into parts; then immediately he put the meat into the deer's skin, ran his palm over it and animated the deer. The it was the turn of Temir-Baba, he cuffed his pants up to the knees and stepped into the water, unwrapping his turban on the water surface of the Caspian sea. Where he stepped the water turned into the ground. He looked back and heard Shopan Ata saying: 'Come back, don't make a road for unbelievers, I admit your powers.' This is how the black isthmus was originated. Since that time the narrow spit is called by people Temirbaba (Kinderli) spit. The Kenderli Isthmus on the Caspian sea coast is a very ancient sacred place. According to another version, the son of Temir Baba had drowned at this place, and the holy dervish struck the water with his whip three times and said: 'Always be calm', and the place stricken with the whip turned into dry land. Since then it turns out that at Fort Shevchenko the sea can be lumpy, and at Bekdash the sea is always quiet with no storms.


  1. Holy Places of Ustyurt and Mangistau, S. Kondybayev 2007;
  2. Archives of Mangistau National Historical and Cultural Reserve 2004, M. D. Kalmenov.

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